Momstrology: Parenting with Astrology

November 22-December 21

Mommy Magic: Your Strengths & Gifts


The Sagittarius mother never slows down. You’re forever taking risks, expanding your horizons and seeking new frontiers. As a result, your kids will have a potpourri of experiences, and might even be seasoned travelers before they’re old enough to be charged for a plane ticket. You’re the ultimate playmate parent, always dreaming up fun adventures for your family to try. Sagittarius is a global, multicultural sign; your kids will eat kimchee, hummous and Ethiopian food instead of strained carrots. They might even learn a couple languages, too. You want them to be citizens of the world who are comfortable with people from all walks, just like you. Got lots going on in our life? Your philosophy: just bring the kids along! So what if they’re by your side at book clubs, pottery circles, business meetings and even for the occasional glass of wine with a girlfriend in your favorite hotel lounge? It’s called enrichment! Cultural immersion! You love to share fun, social times with your children. With your wicked sense of humor, you keep the family rolling on the floor in stitches. Your outrageous humor can bring levity to any situation, and you don’t take life too seriously—except when you’re in one of your dramatic moments. Even then, you eventually regain perspective and overcome the challenge triumphantly. You teach your kids by example: when life gives you lemons, open a lemonade stand!


There’s a life coach in every Sagittarius—or at least, a lifelong learner. You’re the sign of honesty and the higher mind, forever searching for the ultimate truth. You’ll relate to the refreshing realness of kids, who call it like they see it. In your opinion, children are much smarter than adults, and you’ll respect what they have to say. Your kids will grow up feeling intelligent and worthy as a result. Of course, sometimes your wisdom can veer into preachy know-it-all terrain, so be mindful not to lecture your kids, even if you think you’re right. Want to teach them an important lesson? It’s best to try the Socratic method, asking a string of questions that make your kids think, and arrive at the answer on their own. (“So, why do you think that mommy wants you to eat broccoli?” versus “If you eat your broccoli, it will make you strong and healthy.”) Sagittarius is the zodiac’s visionary. With your ability to see the big picture, you can lend your kids a grounding perspective when they’re upset. You’ll help them see the bigger lesson, and even to appreciate the hard times as valuable life lessons.


Mama Mia! Your Challenges & Issues


In the Short Attention Span Theater, you’re a contender for the Tony award. Motherhood can be especially challenging for your restless sign, since it requires consistency, structure and often, sitting still. As a spontaneous Sag, you’re used to following your instincts and whims, and going with the flow. That doesn’t quite mesh with kids’ need for regular meals, bedtimes, school and homework schedules. You may forever be juggling way too many projects, leaving you short on time and attention for your children. Motherhood demands that you cut back on the multi-tasking, even if you still type emails while breastfeeding, or allow occasional time with “electronic babysitters” like TV or iPads. The pre-verbal stage can be especially hard for the antsy, interactive Sagittarius mom. Your idea of purgatory? Sitting still to play endless counting games, stack the same three blocks, or do any of the other mind-numbingly repetitive activities that others call “early childhood development.” You’ll need that proverbial village to keep your children properly raised and entertained. Don’t be too laissez-faire about the villagers, though. Screen your caregivers, and make sure you’re always leaving your children with safe and trustworthy people.


Sound the alarm! You’ve got a mouth that could make a sailor blush. But censor yourself to a dull PG-13 roar, or your kid’s first four-letter word might not be “mama” or “da-da.” The blunt Sagittarius mom is famous for speaking without thinking, which can make for some seriously tactless moments. While your frankness can be refreshing to a point—you don’t shelter your kids from the truth—it can also cross the line into embarrassing or downright inappropriate. Your vampy outfits for “mom’s night out” might best be covered with a trench coat before you leave your dressing room, too. Your kids might not like seeing the bombshell/sex-kitten side of mommy—nor will they appreciate your lectures on how sex is natural and healthy (at least, not until they’re old enough to consider it). While you may not be able to shelter them from everything, you can at least make an effort to protect their innocence a little more. 


Famous Sagittarius Mamas: Britney Spears, Bette Midler, Katie Holmes, Christina Aguilera, Anna Nicole Smith, Sonja Morgan, Nene Leakes, Mariska Hargitay, Katherine Heigl, Christina Applegate 

Next up: Children’s Horoscopes—What’s Your Child’s Sign? >


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