Momstrology: Parenting with Astrology

The Sagittarius Mom: November 22-December 21

The Sagittarius mother never slows down. You’re forever taking risks, expanding your horizons and seeking new frontiers. As a result, your kids will have a potpourri of experiences, and might even be seasoned travelers before they’re old enough to be charged for a plane ticket. You’re the ultimate playmate parent, always dreaming up fun adventures for your family to try. Sagittarius is a global, multicultural sign; your kids will eat kimchee, hummous and Ethiopian food instead of strained carrots. They might even learn a couple languages, too. You want them to be citizens of the world who are comfortable with people from all walks, just like you.

Got lots going on in our life? Your philosophy: just bring the kids along! So what if they’re by your side at book clubs, pottery circles, business meetings and even for the occasional glass of wine with a girlfriend in your favorite hotel lounge? It’s called enrichment! Cultural immersion! You love to share fun, social times with your children. With your wicked sense of humor, you keep the family rolling on the floor in stitches. Your outrageous humor can bring levity to any situation, and you don’t take life too seriously—except when you’re in one of your dramatic moments. Even then, you eventually regain perspective and overcome the challenge triumphantly. You teach your kids by example: when life gives you lemons, open a lemonade stand!…..READ MORE >

More Sagittarius Astrology

Weekly Mom Horoscope

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Private Readings with The AstroTwins


All About Your Family

Your Child’s Sign

Family Signs

Free Birth Charts: The Owner’s Manual to Your Family

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